The Wonderful and Diverse World of Rockfishes

The Wonderful and Diverse World of Rockfishes

M.S. Love and A.J. Gharrett

The Wonderful and Diverse World of RockfishesThis is part of What Does Genetics Have to Do with It? 3rd edn
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On the Pacific Coast alone there are more than 70 species of rockfish and a lot of them look really similar to one another, do a lot of the same things, and live in the same places. And what do we have to thank for these similarities? Genetics! A shared genetic history is to blame for the many similarities, and you can blame genetic differences when species are too similar to distinguish readily. As we have seen, the instructions encoded in DNA sequences are passed down the evolutionary tree, with an occasional mutation. In the DNA sequences lies the potential for an organism’s structure (shape), function (physiology and biochemistry), and behaviors. In this chapter we examine some of the diversity that comes from the genetic blueprints that rockfishes carry.

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