Alaska Sea Grant students

Heidi Herter
Hometown: Anchorage, AK

Degree seeking: M.S., Fisheries, Juneau

Year of expected graduation: 2006

Major professor: Dr. Ginny Eckert

Previous university: University of Puget Sound

Previous major: Biology

Briefly describe your graduate project: I am looking at recruitment and settlement of Cancer magister (Dungeness crab) megalopae in Glacier Bay (RR/04-01). I am using light traps and settlement bags to collect megalopae for comparison between three locations in the lower bay. My intent is to determine when the largest numbers of megalopae are in the bay, and if they aggregate in certain areas.

Why did you choose UAF? UAF offered the marine fish program I was looking for.  Also, Alaska is my home and I want the training and contacts I gain in graduate school to prepare me for working here.

Favorite pastimes and hobbies: Playing outside in all ways, especially telemark and cross-country skiing, hiking, and kayaking.

Most interesting educational experience so far: Most interesting has been working out research methods that withstand the rain and wind of Southeast Alaska in the fall.

Future plans: Working on my M.S. for now and enjoying being in Alaska.

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